the last couple months the low-budget PDA market has went from very few Palm OS
based products to a rather large number of low cost devices in both the Palm OS
and Pocket PC categories..." -
View Feature
"The XDA is
becoming a worldwide product that is being released on various markets
under various product names. In the US, the T-Mobile XDA is on many
users "to buy list" as it combines wireless and PDA
functionality into a sleek package that is not only stylish but also
practical." -
View Feature
"Pocket PC's are incredibly
easy to backup and some solutions are incredibly fast. Backing up data at
the end of the day isn't much harder then a few taps of the stylus, a storage
card slightly larger (in capacity) then the memory of your device, and a couple
minutes. ..."
View Feature
"Pocket PC's, wireless, and Windows
Media Technology are a killer combination. Together, the three give you
the ability to stream your music from your desktop computer to anywhere
else where you might need audio..."
View Feature
"Almost pulled right from
Star Trek, the Toshiba e310 is the thinnest Pocket PC ever to hit the market
with specifications comparable to the top devices on the market." -
View Feature
"Sony's CLIE NR-70V does it again, surpassing all its Palm OS competitors in basically every way. When you think Sony, think advancing PDA technology." -
View Feature
"Since I like to focus on
working on helping people looking to buy a PDA...find what they want, I thought
it might be good to take a look at just a few questions that users are having." -
View Feature
"This chip has been
talked about for some time, but it isn't until now that we are finally
going to start hearing about it and actually seeing it in some devices." -
View Feature |
Pocket PC 2002:
My first look.
Pocket PC 2002:
MSN Messenger
Thoughts on
the Cassiopeia E200
for the Jornada 586
Pocket PC 2002 Features |
"There are so many wonderful
hardware and software options out there right now, it is a great time to
be a new PDA owner..." -
View Feature |
use their devices for a variety of things. Some use them simply for
the look of having one, some play games, and others use them for more
practical school applications..." -
View Feature |
View - Operating Systems |
Mergers |
"Recently there have been
rumors of possible new mergers between various PDA manufactures...How
important is the possibility for a merger when buying a device?" -
View Feature |
little trick requires you to setup a small web server on your PDA, and
then use the directory browsing function to access your pictures." -
View Feature |
Palm loosing money again |
"Palm is loosing out. Lately, they have been a day late and a dollar short in almost every way compared to their competitors." -
View Feature |
"New to PDA's? Don't
worry, at one time, we all were..tart talking the PDA lingo...." -
View Feature |
Case You Didn't Know |
for a PDA |
"Chances are there is some part of your life where a PDA would be
useful" -
View Feature |
could help elevate some headaches later on when you find software won't
run or isn't running correctly." -
View Feature |
Why do you care |
Technology or to-late technology |
devices always seem to enter the market a little to late for me...Their
first device wasn't revolutionary...Let me explain why I say that." -
View Feature |
put my devices to the test every time I take them with me. Of course
if anyone has anything fun, like a PDA, everyone always wants to play with
it." -
View this Feature |
View - Field Trip |